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Who Has Highest Midichlorian Count

If Yoda and the Emperors midi-chlorian count is just under 20000 then Anakin possibly has nearly 40000. Kyp Durron Luke himself said he had more Force in him than anyone he ever met Jedi Search 6. Midi Chlorians Were Intelligent Microscopic Life Forms That Lived Symbiotically Inside The Cells Of All Living Things When Pr Star Wars Midi Galactic Republic Answer 1 of 14. Who has highest midichlorian count . While everyone has midi-chlorians living inside them some folks have a higher midi-chlorian count than others which makes them immensely more powerful in the Force. Here are the rankings for the top midichlorian counts among Jedi. Anakin SkywalkerDarth Vader 27700. Leia Organa Solo 14500. Not once is it mentioned in the sequels. Make an analysis of this blood sample Im sending you. Im interested to know which individual living or dead Jedi or Sith had the highest midi-chlorian count prior to Anakins birthAnakin was known to have been the highest when he was disco